
At the Chocolat bar

25 April, 2010 at the Soho's Chocolate bar, that I told my first time in a restaurant "I was ten when the war caught up with me."

I met there and listened to Radcliffe. He recently told: "Julie is a natural. I looked at the audience. They were completely in it. That old lady was before them but they were with the ten years old kid following her all through the story."

Well, something similar. I can not remember word by word.

Yes, being with audience, friendly faces but more and more turning them to friends, and telling from my life, does come natural to me. But crafting a story to keep the audience in it, takes a lot of craft, thinking, experimenting.

Not all so natural, as the result seems to be.

Because some from Grant's were present at the Chocolate restaurant bar, (happy I did not know and did not think as a test) they invited me to go to Manchester with the same tale.

Manchester, 300 - 400 the townhouse was full. Will I be able to tell as natural to so many? I found that more audience gives me even more energy!

I will tell the same tale a little modified beginning and end, to adapt to the different audience, in March, at the Jewish book week.

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